I should probably read the first one now...

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When I decided to use my points to get this book, I didn't realize it was the second in a series! I loved the title, cover, and synopsis and decided I really needed to read this book! That being said...even when I realized it was the second in a series, I still decided to read this one first because I already had it and I just really wanted to read it. Despite not having read the first one, I still feel like it was easy to follow and an enjoyable read. I absolutely LOVE strong female leads, and this book was full of badass women who defend and fight for themselves and that was by far my favorite part of the book. Always love sister tension in books, as well. It was just all around a really good story. Now that I've finished the second book and enjoyed it so much, I should probably go back and read the first book and prepare myself for any following books that may happen!