Not what I expected
The cover and the synopsis did nothing for this book. The synopsis makes it sound a bit like a run-of-the-mill fantasy story. Potentially intriguing, but it would end up on the bottom of my rather large TBR and I might get to it in a couple of years.
However, then I read the excerpt and wow! The excerpt was way better than the synposis and that boring cover made it out to be. It's not necessarily the run-of-the-mill fantasy. It seems way better. A female war monk, who is called "brother Gemma", but who is totally snarky and fun. I'm really looking forward to reading this. I just hope the book holds up to the promise of the excerpt.
However, then I read the excerpt and wow! The excerpt was way better than the synposis and that boring cover made it out to be. It's not necessarily the run-of-the-mill fantasy. It seems way better. A female war monk, who is called "brother Gemma", but who is totally snarky and fun. I'm really looking forward to reading this. I just hope the book holds up to the promise of the excerpt.