Creepy Psychiatric Hospital Horror Story

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When I saw this advertised as a cross between The Silent Patient and Stephen King, I was immediately interested. While it does deal with a patient in a psychiatric hospital and the doctor intent on curing that patient, it skews way more to the Stephen King side. It's more of a horror story than a thriller. I enjoyed it and it's a really quick read at just over 200 pages. I tend to get scared easily but this was manageable for me. However, as a mom, some of the things regarding children in this story made me sad and uncomfortable. The book hooks you from the very first page, setting up the premise that this story was posted on an online thread entitled "Why I Almost Quit Medicine". I was completely engrossed in this story from start to finish. The ending left me feeling really unsettled and I was thinking about this book hours after I finished it. I would highly recommend The Patient for horror/thriller fans.

Plot Synopsis:
Parker is a psychiatrist working at a New England mental hospital. This book consists of his posts on an online message board regarding his work with an extremely difficult patient. The patient, Joe, was first admitted to the hospital with night terrors at the age of six. Joe is now 36 and has spent his life living behind a locked door in this hospital. He has no diagnosis. His symptoms change over time. Even person who has worked with him has been driven insane or has committed suicide.

Parker is young, optimistic and desperately wants to help Joe. He is convinced that he can finally be the one to cure Joe. As Parker reads the information in Joe's file, he is more and more uncertain about Joe's case. Despite the warnings he's been given to stay away from Joe, Parker becomes further and further involved in his care. The question is whether Parker will be able to bring Joe back to the real world or if Joe will drag Parker into madness with him.