Heartwarming Sci-Fi

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I really enjoyed this book. It was light hearted but still emotional at times. The twists were nice and not totally predictable. I love the world Joan He set up and the images on the end papers really helped create a visual of what their world must've looked like.

What I really appreciated was the perspectives of the two sisters. Cee's is told in the first person, while Kay's is told in the third and it fits both of their personalities perfectly. I loved reading both (though more so Cee's because it did feel more personal).

This isn't a stay up til the birds chirp kind of read, but more like a palette cleanser kind of book. Its great to read in between series to give yourself some distance before moving onto another world. Not to mention every version I've seen of this book is just gorgeous. I read it on my kindle but own both the B&N YA Club and the Owlcrate version. I think the Owlcrate is my favorite dust cover but the B&N is my favorite hard case.

This floats between a 3.74-4 star for me.. mostly because I haven't quite come to terms with the ending, haha. The more I think about it the more I feel OK about it but when it ended I definitely went "no!"