Nemesis Manifesto was pretty good

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I usually don't read this type of book, though I have read a few on occasion and have enjoyed them mostly. This book is toted as the first in a new series about Evan Ryder but it feels like a middle book because there are many references to past histories between characters like Evan and Ben or Evan and Lyudmilla. It made for some very confusing parts in the beginning especially because it pulled me from the main story I was reading about Evan hunting down Nemesis on the order of Benjamin Butler. I wanted to know more about the mysterious Lyudmilla.

The Russian parts with the GRU and SVR were interesting and it was kinda cool how it all tied in by the end between the various factions in Russia and the US. Though it definitely left open a big bombshell, probably for the next book in the series.

I think it was a pretty good political thriller and I do not regret reading it.