Not Impressed

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The Maidens is a thriller centered around an English university campus and a psychotherapist named Mariana. Mariana is still in grips of grief over the recent death of her husband when she gets a call from her beloved niece, Zoe, about the murder of Zoe’s friend Tara. Mariana rushes to Zoe’s side and gets involved in investigating the murder, focusing on the charismatic professor Edward Fosca as her prime suspect.
With secret societies and Greek mythology as a backdrop for a twisty, psychological thriller, I was intrigued by this book. However, I found it lacking in both its characters and the writing style. At least one side character was irrelevant to the overall story and probably should have been cut. I found Mariana to be insipid and oblivious to what’s going on around her. I really didn’t enjoy that he ended most chapters with fake cliffhangers just so he could move on to another chapter, even though they picked up right after. The ending was the worst- I’d guessed the culprit from nearly the beginning, but the reason for their crimes came totally out of left field. I’d recommend skipping this one.