Strong Female Protagonists in a Fantasy Mesoamerica World

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I agree with all of the pre-publication write ups that gave the comp title of CHILDREN OF BLOOD AND BONE by Tomi Adeyami which I bought and read four few years ago. There are strong female protagonists, magical powers which must be protected, and a fantasy world set on a real continent that is well known today. In the case of Lizz Huerta's novel, the action is in ancient Mesoamerica (San Diego/Baja California area down to Central America.) On the other hand, I do not agree with the comparisons of THE LOST DREAMER to author Sabaa Tahir since Tahir's last novel, the excellent ALL MY RAGE, is a realistic, contemporary family drama.
The Lost Dreamer is described as a YA novel; I think the audience that will enjoy this book the most is probably on the younger end of the YA age group This book's strength lies in a detailed fantasy world. There is quite a cast of characters, and a clear villain- the son of the recently deceased king. This son wants to get rid of seers and dreamers, the strong females whose magical powers allow them to dream the truth, to see beyond reality. An interesting attitude that might go unnoticed by 14-year-old readers.
Indir and Saya are the two main female protagonists. Indir has lost her ability to dream while Saya is a seer, someone who has the power but has not had formal training.
The main themes seem to be traditions, oppression, and women's rights, but a younger reader will probably miss some of that and just enjoy the fantasy world.