Slow Paced
Title: The Lost Dreamer
Author: Lizz Huerta
Read/Listened: May 30th- May 31st 2022
This book is about two characters The first being Indir who is a dreamer of truth descended from a long line of seers. In it after King Alcan dies she has to choose to fight for her home or fight to survive. The Lost Dreamer is also about the character Saya who is a seer and a "traveller" meaning she doesn't stay in one place for long. Saya's mother likes to pretend that her daughters gift is her own. When she looses her necklace she's worn since birth she discovers that she had more unknown gifts.
This books synopsis is interesting and I love the color palette on the cover it's gorgeous. But, this book has a slow start. I only decided to keep going and give the book a chance because I bought the audiobook. I love how the characters in this story value strength and power which is very important in life. I liked it enough to finish listening to it but I didn't really enjoy it much. The story just couldn't catch my attention enough personally. I might possibly relisten to it in the future while cleaning though.
Do I reccomend this book? Possibly depends on the person.
Author: Lizz Huerta
Read/Listened: May 30th- May 31st 2022
This book is about two characters The first being Indir who is a dreamer of truth descended from a long line of seers. In it after King Alcan dies she has to choose to fight for her home or fight to survive. The Lost Dreamer is also about the character Saya who is a seer and a "traveller" meaning she doesn't stay in one place for long. Saya's mother likes to pretend that her daughters gift is her own. When she looses her necklace she's worn since birth she discovers that she had more unknown gifts.
This books synopsis is interesting and I love the color palette on the cover it's gorgeous. But, this book has a slow start. I only decided to keep going and give the book a chance because I bought the audiobook. I love how the characters in this story value strength and power which is very important in life. I liked it enough to finish listening to it but I didn't really enjoy it much. The story just couldn't catch my attention enough personally. I might possibly relisten to it in the future while cleaning though.
Do I reccomend this book? Possibly depends on the person.