New Representation in Mythological Retellings

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With so much YA literature focusing on Greek and Norse mythology, it's great to see ancient Mesoamerica being represented. This is definitely not a culture that gets enough attention by writers - or perhaps by American-Western European publishing companies.

The mythological and magical elements were both well crafted and a little confusing. When the pieces all came together and it was revealed to readers who Saya was and where she came from I was caught off-guard. The chronology of events between Saya's chapters and Indir's made the overall plot hard to follow. Some characters dropped in and out so quickly that readers never get the chance to figure out who they are. I thought that the threat of Alcan felt like a minor subplot, any maybe that was the intention, but the danger that both Indir and Saya were in didn't feel like it was all that critical even when the dialogue was saying that it was.

I enjoyed many aspects of THE LOST DREAMER but overall found the plot muddled with characters blending together.