Better suited to younger audience?

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I normally avoid romance novels as I don’t want to read stories that are predictable & sentimental, and I don’t like the idea of promoting the notion of (unattainable?) romantic love for people to expect in their real own lives (thus leading to disappointment). Nevertheless, I went into this book with an open mind, expecting to get swept away. But that didn’t happen.
I didn’t find the characters believable or real enough. The female protagonist didn’t come across as an academic. She blames her mother, but she herself is the main obstacle keeping the 2 lovebirds apart. And Jack was a load of contradictions. E.g. he is supposedly such a “good guy” & yet he cheats on his partner and has violent tendencies. I also found it a little odd that this outdoorsy fisherman would write a novel. He also claims he wouldn’t be in a relationship built on lies, which is exactly what he did. So these and other unrealistic parts made it hard for me to buy into the story at all.
Also, I could have done without the comments on fate and the Christian references.
Overall, the book was an easy (but frustrating) read, with lots of eye-rolling on my part, so I will go back to avoiding romance novels! Perhaps it is better suited to a younger (not middle-aged) audience?
I was provided with an ARC (thanks to the author & publisher!) and I am voluntarily posting my honest review.