Two Tech Cultures from Vastly Different Times Collide Seven Miles Below

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An oil trawler on a pointless mission to track the ocean floor of the Marianas Trench discovers something unexpected thanks to new technology that is able to see miles below to the earth's mantle. For Sarah Long, a sonar analyst aboard the Lewis, the discovery promises the type of excitement and challenge she was not quite aware she was missing. For what she thinks she sees, that no one is quite ready yet to admit, is some kind of enormous ship.

Seven miles below, aboard the Kalelah, a sentient biological structure thousands of years old, we meet Analyst Trin, awakened in the midst of a 5,000 year sleep to respond to a warning that the ship may have been scanned. As he attempts to discover the source of this scan, Trin and his captain realize that the entire ship has overslept its 5,000 year "nap" by some 120,000 years.

What a gripping start to a highly readable, intoxicating "yarn" said to be the first in a three-volume series. To read any more would send the experience into the near-addictive stage, with plans jettisoned, deadlines unmet, meals uneaten and sleep postponed so that we can allow ourselves the pleasure of slipping into this fascinating world and finding out how the two cultures, one obviously extremely high-tech, will be able to navigate around each other with huge implications for the planet on which we live.