Emotional Gut Punches

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First off, the cover is amazing and gorgeous and is perfect in my opinion. Wow, I don't even know how to explain this book, I just know it was very compelling. The writing made it so relatable even though there is this futuristic/fantastical element to it, it still resonates with anyone that has felt "not enough" for someone else. It makes you think about identity and how people see you and how you see yourself; how do we define a person? It has non-stop emotional gut punches about being cheated on and replaced and not being someone else's ideal person. Man, this one will mess with your mind and your emotions. I would definitely recommend this for the writing and even to just simply broaden how you think of yourself and other people. I really enjoyed the author's other book Magic For Liars so I was really hoping this one would be as good, and it did not disappoint.