Just good

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Why did I write it as Just Good in my title?
Because the legitimate reason I'm putting forward is totally up to my explanation of how good I felt by (usually) (lly reading a good book. The book didn't match up to my expectations and guess what, it solely belongs to the taste of how I read a book. The book didn't match up to my expectations and guess what, it solely belongs to the taste of. It is completely up to a different reader and not at all, in any way of aspects, as much as I am a reviewer. Every book does have a potential and this book does have, just that my mind didn't boggle enough to its thrill but what if yours will? I am mostly interested in the style of an author's writing and I liked it in all true aspects.
All in all, itnwas an average read and let me remind you to never judge a book by its cover because... You may never know!