Sub-par Crime Thriller

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The Cleaner follows John Milton: a government agent tasked with covering up government secrets. When he screws up one of his jobs, he is forced to go into hiding. He soon becomes entangled with his neighbors and London Turf Wars. I found the book a bit dry. It was just a mindless action movie. The main character was very unlikable. In addition, the writing style was not very strong at all. I also believe that the author should not have tackled race issues in the way he did. In the novel, the protagonist moves in next to a struggling inner city mother and son. Dawson oversimplified complex issues in a way that did not agree with me
Although, I did enjoy the suspense. The book was very fast paced, so I was able to get through it pretty quick. I would not consider is a boring novel by any means.
Overall, this is a novel that would easily be a recommendation for fans of James Patterson or Lee Child.