Such a cute story for all book lovers!

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If you're looking for a quick, cute bookish read, look no further than The Book Charmer. I enjoyed all of the characters of Dove Pond and I'll be anxiously awaiting the second book in the series.

What I loved about this book:

~ The characters of this book were likeable and I really found myself invested in all of their stories. Sarah is such a friendly, bright character and she had a unique talent that every bibliophile would love to have. Mama G's story was especially heartbreaking, she had such a big heart and was kind to everyone. I also loved Grace's journey through the book. She had a rough start at life and had experienced some difficult losses, but the way she handles it all is part of her character's appeal. Her story is delightfully concluded at the end of this book leaving many other wonderful characters for future books in the series. Pretty please let Sarah be the focus of book two 🤞.

~ The small town vibe of this book is wonderful. The community of Dove Pond isn't without its problems, but I loved how they could come together in a crisis. They were always quick to help out fellow neighbors and pitch in to save their beloved town. The hints at magical realism throughout made Dove Pond even more enjoyable.

~ I adored the fact that the women of Dove Pond were strong, independent characters that were tasked with saving their town. So often it's a male character that saves the day and it was a nice change of pace for women to be the ones to come up with a plan to try to save Dove Pond.

What kept me from giving this book 5⭐?

~ Although I enjoyed most aspects of a small community, some were a bit frustrating. I also would have liked to have a bit more of Grace's backstory. It would have been nice to have more of the time spent with her sister and how it was growning up with Mama G.

Overall I found this to be a wonderful heartfelt pick me up story and can't wait for the rest of the books in the series.