Entrancing Book Cover

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The cover - with all those old books just stacked up - draws attention immediately into
Sarah's Book Speaking Gift. Though her personality veers toward silly, with the entrance of acerbic Grace, fully sullen and unhappy Daisy, and declining Mama G, reality sets in.

Book Charmer offers the kind of magic realism that many readers of modern novels want to believe in - Books Can Talk!

As seemingly blessed as Sarah is with her ability, she's also so annoying that readers may react as Grace did to her over insistence on forming a friendship: she talks it, rather than letting it grow. Plot moves along with plenty of coincidences toward the promise of a happy and successful Dove Town and Apple Festival.
(No Rain Date?!)

"Private, quiet, intense" Trav was my favorite character despite caving to feminine house holding toward the end. Grace's high heels go on WAY too long - not only unworkable, but they hurt.

For future editions or sequel, in these trying times - even in The Deep South -
a town with zero racial diversity is a real concern.

And maybe the mystery of Sarah and her Blake will be solved in a sequel.