Enjoyed the trip to Dove Pond

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The book cover of this story initially drew me in the world of Dove Pond. However, once I began the story I realized what I initially thought would be more of a paranormal story was actually a family saga.

Although I didn’t connect with the Sarah Dove character, I did identify with the character of Grace. Karen Hawkins did a wonderful job describing the emotions grace was experiencing with her new life in Dove Pond. You could feel Grace’s sadness, anger, and love as she adjusted to her new life caring for her mom (Mama G) and her niece, Daisy.

Also, I loved the character of Trav—Strong with a big heart. I enjoyed how he cared for and talked to Daisy and Mama G and enjoyed the relationship that developed between Trav and Grace.

The portion of the book which talked about Grace working to save the Dove Pond was as interesting to me as the rest, but still enjoyable.

Overall, not at all the book I was expecting but definitely enjoyed!