So Disappointed
This is the most bizarre mystery novel I think I have ever read. This book has been appearing on lists and blogs as a must read for quite some time now. So, when I finally got my hands on a copy, I was SO excited. I knew absolutely nothing about the book before I got it. I suspected the genre because of the "death" part of the title, but that was about it. The whole book I found myself very confused. There were SO many characters and plot lines and story arcs to keep up with and I just couldn't. Even now, after reading it and having a few days to process, I am still not really sure I even understand exactly what happened and how. Moreover, I definitely think it is important to understand this is more along then lines of a Fantasy Mystery since there are definitely some things that are not possible that occur in this book....I won't spoil it other than that. I struggle with fantasy so that might be another reason why it was just OK for me.