Wasn't what I was expecting

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First, I am incredibly grateful to reactive a hard cover of this book, even though it didn't work out for me, I hope it finds its audience.
Upon first glance this book seemed super interesting. The writing got very distracting with all the back slahes and I think the story was written too flowery. For being a short book, I don't think by the end it said too much. I was excited to read A.S. King, this being my first novel by this author though, I will be willing to try again.
Definitely reccomend to people who want a quick read that are also into the weird and not fully explained type of fiction. Definitely for people trying to get out of their comfort zones.
Again I think that this book has the right audience and I am very sad that I was not a member of that group. Thanks again for the copy and I will be passing it along to a friend I know will really appreciate it.