A stunning beginning to a new series!

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You know when you open a book and you’re immediately drawn into a new magical world? That’s not how Sunderworld begins. This book takes place in Los Angeles—magic as LA may be, it is not the kind of magical place I’m talking about. But by the end of the opening paragraph, we know this isn’t any kind of LA anyone is familiar with!

Anyone who loves to read about the hidden magical world within our own will fall in love with this book! Think about the first time you read [insert hidden magical world within our world book here] and how following the heretofore mundane who discovers they are actually more part of that world than the one in which they were raised made you feel how easily that could be you—tomorrow you could walk through a wall or descend into what you thought was the sewer or cross a border that was actually a magical boundary. Sunderworld reawakened those magical feelings in me that I mostly only felt as a child, and that now only really special books ignite.

Following Leopold Berry on his unconventional hero’s journey was such a joy and pleasure, it was hard for me to put this book down! I can’t recommend this book enough to those seeking that magical feeling as if for the first time. I cannot wait to find out what’s in store for Leopold next!