This book is different for me. I wasn’t sure if I would really like this book I’m not much into poetry. Some of the poems in this book really made me think about my life. To me this book isn’t like the traditional poetry I was taught in school, it didn’t rhyme lol. I have let others read this book too and they felt the same way I did, that it’s very different from what they was taught. Different can be a good thing and with this book I think it is a good thing. I really really wasn’t sure about this book at all. I had to read it 3 times before I started to really understand and like it. I have read it again and every night before bed I read another 2 or 3 before I go to bed. I think that this will be one of the books that I will always pick up and read again, just because each time I do it hits me differently and helps me to see what the author was feeling. This is a book that really makes you think.