Retelling with a feminist twist

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As it is said in the book's synopsis, the year is 414 of the Xin Dynasty, and chaos abounds. Well, you now have my attention. Add in the strong female characters and warlordesses, and we have a recipe for an excellent book. This book is a retelling of The Three Kingdoms, which tells the story of the end of the Han dynasty's reign, when the Chinese empire was divided amongst three warring kingdoms. While I have never read The Three Kingdoms book, I am very much intrigued after having read Strike the Zither. I love how Joan He sets up the different sections of the book, and it definitely took a twist (or two) I had not anticipated at all. The prose is lyrical and the story captivating. I appreciated the relationships between the different characters and am excited to see how the budding love story continues to evolve. I very much look forward to reading the next book in the series!

Thank you to BookishFirst and Roaring Book Press for a gifted copy of this book, which I received in exchange for an honest review of my opinions! And thank you to Joan He for writing this book!