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I love Marie Lu's stories. I have yet to read one of her books that has not captured my imagination and trapped me into her new worlds.

Skyhunter, a new series by Marie Lu, was an interesting take on conflict, family ties, understanding of others, and...SUPERHEROES.

In the world of Marie Lu's imagination two warring groups have trained and created their own groups of warriors who are destined to fight one another in order to achieve their own goals. The warriors in this particular world are teenagers. The teens are the ones who develop new science, and who fight the battles. The teens go out on patrol and are the guardians of the cities.

One thing that I particularly liked was the relationships between the characters. While some of them were on the shallow end, I appreciated the lack of rush into a teenage romance in which one would die for the other. I also appreciated the familial relationships and the way that she pictured people as more complex than they may seem at first.

In Skyhunter you get an appreciation for different people, for why they do the things they do, and an understanding for the "bad guys" that leaves you wondering about the deeper nuances that come into being a human being. While the story is filled with many overused tropes, I felt that they were well written and that the plot was well conceived.