So. Unreal.

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This explains the mental and emotional turbulation you experience in this book. Especially...the second part of the book! I had no idea what was going on. Everyone wasn't who they seemed and no one was sorry. The FMC was not sorry, the patient was not sorry. The title definitely fit the second part of the book.The first part of the book was slow but a steady curiousness. It really delved into the psyche of a nurse and the mental struggles of a nurse during low employment. Then add in that there's a nurse who's a single mother. That's more stress.

The main character was relatable if one was a single mother. The writing of the day-to-day life of a nurse was realistic and explained so much of the psyche of a nurse. I didn't expect what was to happen with the main character's friend. There was not a lot about the pregnant wife of the friend, which I would have liked to know more of.