Holy Smokes This Is GREAT!

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I am sucked into this story and cannot wait to read more! If you have ever read NoSleep on Reddit, it's like the really popular and fantastically written stories! The set up to the mystery is absolutely amazing and sucks you into the adventure from page 1.
It is not just a first person narrative, but includes text messages, doctor notes, explanations of photographs, etc.
I do wish it had two things though. One, I wish that the story had actual photographs you could see. Two, the first person narrative is said in the beginning to be the written testimony of Sara. I'm not really buying that and it's kind of flimsy. The author should just leave that part out of it because testimony is not written the same way an author writes 1st person.
However, that second part is minor.
In any case, I am completely mesmerized with the story and cannot wait to read more!

Book Cover
It would make more sense for this to be titled, "Lucy's Game." I do like how the trees and shadows make up a girl walking in the forest without being obvious about it.