Steamy Modern Romance

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Roomies by Christina Lauren is very steamy! it's a fun and easy read. I loved the characters - you could hear Calvin's Irish accent off the page. i think it was a very clever plot line as well. i loved that it was marriage first, love second. it did not seem farfetched to me at all to believe they could fall in love in this way. Even with the both major and minor obstacles thrown in their way i had high hopes for the two characters.

it is very hard to review this book without giving any spoilers away. i just recommend reading it, it will make you feel all the things the characters are feeling and you root for them - not just the two main characters - you root for all minor characters and even the broadway play that is integral to the story. it is a very NY book and it made me miss everything about NY we don't get to experiecne in this time of COVID. can't wait to read more by them.