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I have read a few books from Christina Lauren. This is one of those “hit or miss” authors for me. I really do enjoy most of their books, but there has been someone I didn’t enjoy at all.

In my personal opinion, this one was a decent read. I wasn’t to thrilled with it but I also wasn’t upset with it.

I think it’s one of those rom-coms I’ll eventually forget about and forget I read it.

I did enjoy these characters and the fact that it took place in New York. I really tend to enjoy books set in the great state of New York.

I would suggest this to a few people, but for the most part I would tell you to read another one from these authors.

I also really enjoy how two authors are writing these books. That’s such a great way to come together and find the perfect book for readers.

As I mentioned, I gave this book a 3 star. It didn’t do anything bad, but it just wasn’t a fantastic and memorable story.