This Will Be Your New Favorite Book!

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A great Prologue sets the pace for a compelling plot and many memorable characters
and high school friendships.

Low key, tough, and funny, PICTURE US IN THE LIGHT introduces Danny Cheng, his wonderful father, unsupportive mother, and cool best friend. Descriptions of Danny's vivid portrait paintings form a cornerstone to the plot, spurring readers' imaginations
with color, form, and collage images.

Gentle suspense builds with mysteries of Danny's dead sister, his father's lost job,
Clay Ballard, leaving Texas, and Sandra. Readers also wonder when Danny will finally get over his reticence in speaking and will find the confidence to get the answers he has searched for and to act on them.

Writing stays close to perfect until the intentional stupidity of the car accident.
This was way too much of a stretch and not needed in the plot. Danny had done enough shifty things already - we don't want to turn against him. Also, vote counting for school elections is usually either done in tandem or with the votes exchanged to compare counts. This didn't feel authentic.

Walt Whitman would have loved Danny's father's Quantum Entanglement:
"For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you!"