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OPHELIA AFTER ALL delivers a unique and memorable YA and Adult gay coming out.

The early gradual pace allows the finely tuned distinct personalities of friends and parents to evolve, with major diversity from Irish to Islam, via Lation/a.

Readers may agree that the book could be subtitled "OPHELIA FINALLY" since it takes a really long, long time for OPHELIA to decide that simple honesty to BOTH parents would have made both her life and her Mother's career go incredibly more happy.

It was challenging to read how all of her friends dealt with their own angst while moving forward with art, college, prom queen, fashion and more...and Ophelia just basks in unforgiving angst.

The plot moves smoothly into many unexpected directions while weaving in both gardening and Shakespeare's HAMLET to connect with the main character. There's also great Rose advice to add banana peels to soil while naming Roses for friends.

Lotsa Vegetarian eating was also a welcome surprise.