Mixed Feelings

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I had mixed feeling about Open Heart. The beginning of the book started out interesting but very slow. There was a lack of information that was meant to keep the reader on the edge of their seat but for part of the time I felt bored. Once Gene, the main character, began his shadowing at the hospital I felt the book picked up a bit. I really enjoyed the scenes in the the operating room and found them fascinating. As a main character, I found Gene slightly annoying. He felt sorry for himself for a lot of the book and refused to live up to his wrongdoing, making his also feel immature. The exploration of grief through Gene I enjoyed. I felt it was handled in a realistic way. The other characters in the book I found more enjoyable and I became invested in them. It romance the book centers around also feels realistic to a romance that begins in high school and all the bumps couples can go through to understand each other as they age and have serious life events.