A fun twist on classic fairytales!

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Filomena is a big fan of the latest fantasy series, Never After. The thirteenth book is due out, and she arrives to the bookstore only to find out that the author never wrote it! She died instead! How is she going to find it what happens in her favorite series? But then... Then she's attacked, and saved by the main character of the series! The books are real! Jack the Giant Stalker is real! But then, so are all the villains and threats! And now, instead of reading the thirteenth book, she's IN it.

I truly enjoyed this book. The story is interesting, and it's fun to see what the author decided to do to mess with the classic fairytales everyone knows and loves. The story moves quickly, and you feel like you don't want to put the book down, so that you can be sure the heroes are safe and sound! I look forward to reading the next book in the series. Can't wait to pick it up!