One of a Kind

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How far would you go to have a healthy child? Most parents would do anything to ensure their offspring have the best life possible. Everyone who dreams of a child dreams of their perfect little mini me. This thriller asks, just how far would you go to try to provide that for your baby?

For Claire, the answer is pretty far. She lost her first child to Mitochondrial Disease, a genetic condition that she passed on to him. She dreams of another baby, but she doesn't want the same thing to happen. Then, she hears of an interesting experimental treatment that involves having THREE parents instead of two. This guarantees the baby only gets healthy genes. With the help of this treatment, Claire has a healthy baby girl - Abigail.

Years later, Abigail discovers just where she came from. What she doesn't know is just how much danger she and her parents are in now that she knows the secret. The book is a nailbiter and so incredibly unique. I actually work with genetic engineering in order to cure diseases, and even I could not have thought of this particular innovation! I highly recommend this book if you want an interesting, unique read that combines science and thriller in a perfect blend.