A Discussion Starter!
I have rather mixed feelings about this one. It is certainly a fast-paced read - though life intervened, I can easily imagine sitting down and reading this in just one sitting. But, despite its page-turning qualities, varied voices, I just never found a character that I really connected with. The plot takes some turns and relies on coincidental timing that crosses the line into the ludicrous. The genetic modifications described here to avoid congenital illness just don't seem very abhorrent to me... and the criminality seems like it's something that a lawful contract would be able to take into account some of the ramifications... The climatic ending fell a bit flat for me because it started to feel more like a plot ripped from Days of Our Lives... I didn't hate the book, and I certainly found it to be entertaining enough to finish, but it's not one that I think you should delve too deeply into afterwards because I am finding that the more I examine it, the less I liked it overall. The book is more like a medically inspired Fatal Attraction crossed with a soap opera. The characters never feel authentic and much like the villain, Claire to me didn't seem to be inspiring that much love (or even sympathy). But, if you are looking for a fast read, this does fit the bill.