Good characterization

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After a somewhat slow start, this book gathered steam and became more interesting as it went along. The author, Thomas Bardenwerper, added depth to the characters by showing through speech and actions what were they made of. Like most people, they failed at some things, and had personal issues to deal with.

The setting is Puerto Rico for much of the book. I was surprised that it seemed like such a party place with music and dancing everywhere. The females that live there come across as being sexually aggressive--also surprising. (There are scenes that some will not want to read.) Since I've never been there, I can't say how true these scenes really are.

A good bit of the story focuses on people from Cuba who would risk anything to land on a part of Puerto Rico that would guarantee them the opportunity to live in the United States and the Coast Guard members who do their best to stop that from happening. The author shows us a what-if scenario that added a degree of excitement to the story and made me want the people to make it.

Overall, I thought this was a four star book.