Mystery, Magic, and Lessons Learned

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There are two main characters in Midnight at the Blackbird Cafe, Anna Kate and Natalie. The story is told alternately from each character’s point of view. This allows the reader to feel a closeness to each of these characters. Each of these women have issues to work through. Anna Kate’s mother was estranged from her husband’s family after she was blamed for a car accident that killed Anna Kate’s father. Anna Kate is tiring to unravel some of the mystery surrounding this and also trying to figure out what she wants in life after she goes to Wicklow to take over the Blackbird Cafe upon the death of her grandmother. Natalie is trying to come to terms with the circumstances surrounding the drowning death of her husband. These two ladies are surrounded by a cast of colorful characters, and of course there is some romance in the picture for each of them.
The book contains an air of magic and mysticism. For many years, the fruit pies baked by Anna Kate’s grandmother, with a special mulberry syrup added, were supposed to induce dreams of messages from deceased love ones from anyone who ate a piece of the pie. Blackbirds appearing at midnight to sing for an hour, as well as a gray cat making interesting appearances, also were part of the magical aspect to the story. This all led a special charm to the story.
In addition, lessons learned concerning family, forgiveness, and a person never really leaving us are important aspects of the story. As one of the character’s said, “ A person you love is never truly gone-they’re always there, whether it’s in a memory ... or a dream.”
I think this is a book many people would enjoy. I appreciate receiving an advance copy from BookishFirst.