179: Love People, Use Things & Thoughts

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The Good

I. I got to understand more about the reaction around minimalism.

II. The critique of minimalism being western and for the rich exclusively does get addressed in a paragraph. – I wish so much that it could have been further expanded upon but I understand this book is not about that.

III. The $20 dollar rule made me tidy a bit.

IV. As a whole there was many things that I got from this book. The relationship with creativity was my favorite chapter in the book.

The Bad

I. The authors mom made a racist anti-Black joke that the author felt the need to repeat in this book in 2021 and the editors did not edit it out in 2021. There is also probably a point to be made about their whiteness and the access it has afforded them to excel in their jobs to be able to acquire so much stuff.

II. The minimalist can be aggressive with the minimalism/lifestyle choices of themselves and others. I can see people reading this (and intentional living as a whole) as pretentious/in negative way because it can be read that way easily.

III. It can be repetitive. Possibly repeating of some things like getting rid of all their expensive possessions and jobs could be harmful the book.

IV. It focuses on stuff that I feel did not enhance the book. The memoir/insertion of their life story took away many times from the book and got away from the minimalism.

The Meh

This book (Love People Use Things) is a letter to themselves (the authors) people like them in income, experience, etc.

Cons: people who do not conform to that standard can be potentially left out of their minimalism.

Pro: is that this will reach people who fit that standard.


I. People were on Marie Kondo neck but the Konmari method is way more hands off than the minimalists.

II. I misguidedly wanted/expected a bit more introspection into why window shopping is such a popular hobby. I know that this was not in the scope of this book (so it is not a fault of it) but I would like to see another book tackle this topic.

III. There is a big conversation about consumerism, capitalism, minimalism, and America that needs a level of impartialness.

IV. I think it is tough to put out your ideas/live your life without coming off a certain way. Someone being a minimalist/not a minimalist is not a slight to you. On the other hand the way that many perform their minimalism/not minimalism is the putting down of others who are not like them.

V. There is a conversation out there about trauma & minimalism, trauma & antiminimalism. It has to be addressed how people of both groups are coming from economic trauma in their upbringing.

I received this from Celadon Books from the bookishfirst program