Very intriguing
So 31 pages and this book is already a what the heck is going on. What would make Laura not believe the babies are not hers, she seems to be having a hard time right time from birth bonding with her twin sons and I am sure that plays into the plot more as the story goes along. Possibly PPD. It seems very well written and chapters are quick which always makes for a good read.
I super intrigued to find how Laura is found wading threw a river getting ready to drown her babies and who is this woman that told her she needs to hold the babies under water to get her babies back.
Also this is a very unique story line and not something I have had the pleasure of reading. A fresh new plot is always what I am Looking for
I super intrigued to find how Laura is found wading threw a river getting ready to drown her babies and who is this woman that told her she needs to hold the babies under water to get her babies back.
Also this is a very unique story line and not something I have had the pleasure of reading. A fresh new plot is always what I am Looking for