Super Creepy

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After reading the summary of this book, I was immediately hooked. The plot seemed super creepy, and being a twin myself I was pulled into the characters. The story is about a mother who gives birth to twin boys. During her first night in the hospital, she thinks she hears someone in the bed next to her singing to another pair of twins. In the morning, she realizes the bed next to her is empty. The woman returns the next night and offers to trade twins. When the mother refuses, the woman says that she will regret it and lose her twins anyway.

Life seems to continue on as the mother leaves the hospital, until one day when she falls asleep in the park. When she wakes up, her twins are missing. They are found shortly after, safe and sound, but the mother is convinced that these are not her twins. Her actions lead to her being placed under mental health arrest, and the story continues through her plotting of trying to get her own babies back.

I loved this book but was a little unsatisfied with the ending...did the mother have mental health problems or was there actually something supernatural at bay? The reader is left to make their own decisions.