Creepy and Mysterious
Little Darlings was a fantastically eerie story. It's made more so by the fact that it's so difficult to know what's "really" going on! Those hazy days of new motherhood, days that are full of sleep deprivation (especially with how little help Lauren is offered by her husband) and hormonal swings; combined with the suggestion that Lauren, who has experienced depression in the past, may be struggling with postpartum depression (or postpartum psychosis?) , mean it's difficult to know if she's a reliable narrator. Is someone trying to make her seem unfit? Is she really seeing someone lurking in the shadows, trying to replace her babies? Or is it really that most difficult to imagine thing- that something supernatural is happening?
This story kept me guessing all the way to the end, and I tore through it, worrying for Lauren and her babies.
This story kept me guessing all the way to the end, and I tore through it, worrying for Lauren and her babies.