A Meaningful True Crime

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As with more true crime books and documentaries, I become very emotionally involved. Last Call took that to another level and completely wrecked me.

Elon Green does an amazing job describing the victims. I felt personally connected to each one and loved the personal details. I think humanizing victims is a very important part of true crime stories because these aren't just victims - these are people. These people deserved a long, happy life but didn't get it.

Another heartbreaking portion of this book is the history in connection to the LGBTQ+ community. The hatred and ignorance is disgusting. Obviously, there was a lot of misinformation at the time around HIV/AIDS that led to even more prejudice against the community. Hearing about the history of these topics made me realize we still have a long way to go with equality.

I went into this story blind. I didn't know who the killer was or how many victims there were. I thought the pacing was nice and the level of research was great.

Overall, Elon Green artfully presented a dark tale of a killer, a poetic dedication to the victims and an informative snapshot of LGBTQ+ history in Last Call.