Not My Favorite

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My first impression read of this book was wonderful and I couldn't wait to dive in the minute I received my copy. Sadly, I was ready to close it a minute later. I thought the characters were so vibrant and unique...but only the first time. The story had so much potential but instead of focusing on a love story, a story of love, a story of growing up, it felt like the author suddenly choose to use every term possible to stress that the main characters were LGBTQ+. I understand the need to educate those who may not be part of the community but that was not done here. Instead it was derogatory and almost felt like the author was so angry that he imposed that into the book. It might have worked in a book that wasn't marketed as a YA Boy Band story. It was such a wonderful cast, a hilarious and inviting plot, and I genuinely wish I could give more stars. I wouldn't recommend the book but if someone had a copy, I wouldn't tell them not to read it either. It just fell into the meh category for me.