No, Definitely Not the greatest story of all time.

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roseannelschmidt Avatar


Great writing. Not that invested yet when I have to figure out who did what. There I had a lot of confusion what and who was tried for killing what and who. Example. His father was tried for the prince. He's tried for the king. And this ring that has no blithering significance is what the book wants to hook onto in the prologue. The prologue ends with the end of the trial... and it's is strange and introduces a shit load of people that i don't give a shit about too quickly.

The trial was for the son of prince-killer and who was there to be sentenced for king-killing. Then a scene and what the hell there's magic in the law department who kills instantly but this man on trial has a weeks reprieve?

So strewn about and confusing and not consice. What in the world is happening to the publishing world?