Not for me
This book just wasn’t for me. The first few chapters were enjoyable and funny, but after that I wasn’t really enjoying it any longer. I didn’t really like the main character. Some of the things she did and said and thought were just weird and I found myself really wondering why certain things happened the way they did. I also didn’t like how the whole book revolved around sex. The sex scenes didn’t bother me it was just that all she seemed to care about was the sex: will I be good at it, what should I do, what will they do….just on and on. I wanted more connection, more of an actual meaningful, healthy relationship but it was really just about sex. It got old. Then when she got into a relationship it was terrible. I also didn’t really like how things went down at the end. Too much drama for me. I’m sure other people enjoyed the book, it just wasn’t the right fit for me.