It was such a fun read!

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How it All Blew Up is the story of how Amir Azadi runs away from home to find himself and escape the chaos of his homosexuality being revealed to his parents back home. Given their Iranian culture, Amir knows they won't respond well to the idea of him being gay and he ends up on whirlwind trip to Rome where he meets incredible people, eats delicious food, and learns to accept himself as gay and Iranian both.

This story was just a pleasure to read. I flew through it. I loved the format used to express Amir's family's different perspectives of what happened while he ran away. It also creates all this suspense at the end as you have to read just a tiny bit of information on each page to finally find out what happened on the plane.

It was incredibly well-written, had some poignant lines and insights, and was a very smart book. I was invested in Amir and his family's journey, and I would highly recommend this book to other people. It was hilarious and heartwarming and just generally a great time. I'm so glad I received a copy for free to review!