Super Good!

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I really enjoyed this book! I was originally drawn to it because of the beautiful cover and knew I had to check this one out. The synopsis was intriguing and the first look had me dying to read more. This book follows the story of three sisters: Iris, Vivi, and Grey. They mysteriously disappear when they are kids and aren't the same when they return one month later. Ten years after their return, Grey is missing again and it's up to Iris and Vivi to find out what happened to their older sister. As they work together to track her down, breadcrumbs from their past come to light that make you wonder what the heck is going on with these girls. There are also some semi-gory descriptions involving dead bodies and rotting and decay. So if you are squeamish then just be prepared. I wish this book had been a little longer because I didn't want it to end. I would love to read more in this world.