An Enjoyable, but Predictable Read

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Krystal Sutherland’s latest novel, House of Hollow, was one of my most anticipated reads for the first half of 2021. Upon reading the premise, characterized as a dark fairytale steeped in folklore, I was immediately enthralled. The story combined two of my favorite genres: dark fantasy and fairytales/folklore. I could not wait to learn more about the mysteries surrounding Grey, Vivi, and Iris Hollow. This was a story that I knew I would have to read upon its release.

While House of Hollow was an interesting read, I was still underwhelmed by the plot’s direction. The story is fast-paced, but the novel’s ending, which was heralded as a surprise twist that readers would not be able to foresee, was entirely predictable. Sutherland’s novel is actually eerily reminiscent of Melissa Albert’s The Hazel Wood (another anticipated release that did not meet my expectations). While reading House of Hollow, I could not help but compare the similarities between the two novels.

Although House of Hollow was a miss for me, fans of The Hazel Wood, or even Shea Ernshaw’s The Wicked Deep, would most likely find this novel to be an enjoyable read.