Ooooh, Honeyyyy...

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Rejected. Rejected. Rejected.
But Amber keeps pushing, despite having no one in her corner. No one is rooting for her. Her mother is distant and constantly drunk. Her brother escaped to a college on the other side of the country. Her dad is long gone. Amber needs approval... needs acceptance- and unfortunately, fame is the easiest way she can get it.

She finally gets that call. But no promises- just a "let's see how well you can do in the group". Amber conforms. She'll squeeze herself into any box you need her to fit it. But will it be enough?

Honey sucks you right in from the start. It is effortless to read and easy to forget it's a work of fiction. Honey is written for any millennial who used to dress up and sing into her hairbrush in front of the mirror. We can easily relate and empathize with Amber- all we wanted was to be on TRL. Honey unveils what goes on behind the music videos, between the takes in the recording studios, and at the after-parties. How strained are the relationships? How easy it is to forget yourself when you haven't even discovered who you are. How is Amber supposed to stand up for herself when she doesn't know herself? How is she supposed to feel self-worth when success constantly redefines itself? Honey is an exceptional coming-of-age story with a protagonist who only wants one thing... and she must discover what exactly it is that she's been chasing her whole life.

"Sometimes I feel like I walk around with this haze in front of my eyes. I keep waiting for the day when I'll wake up and it'll be clear, and I'll know exactly what to do and what to say."