Interesting crime/thriller novel

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This book centers around several characters from the small town of Granite Harbor in coastal Maine. Alex is a former writer turned detective investigating the death of a local teenage boy. His daughter Sophie was a friend of the murdered boy. Isabel is a single mother whose son Ethan was also a close friend of the murdered boy. Alex must hurry to find the killer before he strikes again with a Little help. From Isabel.

Overall, I really like this story. I very much enjoyed the writing and it had some fun little twists and weird things that happened throughout that were new to me. I did guess what was going on a little early, but that didn't detract from the story for me. I enjoyed the characters, most of them were very well done and I could feel for them. I was left with a few questions about some of the relationships between the characters, but otherwise I felt like it was an intriguing story. I would definitely pick up something else by this author again.