Not as Good as Her Other Books

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» overview «
stars: ★★★★☆
plot: ★★★★☆
readability: ★★★☆☆
characters: ★★★☆☆
writing: ★★★★☆
recommend: ✗

» liked «
- the sweet, sweet romance.
- i was genuinely curious to who Serilda is going to have a child with... like it i thought it couldn't be (view spoiler)

» disliked «
- Serilda, after two months, didn't bring a trinket or something to trade for the third time she needed Gild to spin gold. EVERY OTHER TIME, SHE NEEDED TO TRADE SOMETHING. WHY DIDN'T SHE BRING SOMETHING EVERY TIME? it's not like she was trapped and couldn't get anything.
- Serilda's (view spoiler)was spoiled by the synopsis of this book, so i was just annoyed at how late the characters of the book figure that out. and the fact that there were no hints until more than 60% of the way into the book bugged me. i mean i like Chekov's gun and all, still. the spoiling of this plot point just made me dislike the book and the story a little bit.
- not a fan of any of the younger, children characters... (idkw, but i just don't like children in books. like they legit annoy the hell out of me.)

» overall «
my favorite part of retellings is that even though I know generally what will happen, there's still a mystery to how closely it will play out and who each character will represent.

the thing about Marissa Meyer books is that you can kind of tell the plot twist or ending from here. like here is my prediction: There are going to be some major plot twists coming, but the main idea is that (view spoiler) i will come back here after finishing Cursed and see how wrong or correct it was.