You Need To Read This In Big Chunks

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Told in alternating chapters, Furyborn is a story of two queens living one thousand years apart. Steeped in elemental magic, the two queens will fulfill a prophecy. One will be the queen of light and the other the queen of blood.

If you plan on reading Furyborn, I highly recommend making a character list for the two timelines and reading it in larger chunks. While the two story lines was a cool idea, I found I could not put the book down for long periods of time without forgetting who belonged to which story. You do learn how the two timelines are connected to each other at the end, but by that point I felt like I read two completely different books.

I really enjoyed Furyborn when I read it and was excited to continue the series, which is why I waited so long to post about it. However, now I've waited too long and can't remember what happened in each story. Maybe someday I will come back to this series and read it in quick succession, but for right now, I'm stopping at book one.